Grumpire 3, Gravity 0
Welcome to the third episode of Grumpire, the podcast that says you don’t need to bite your tongue while discussing art. Today we invite Brian Miller, founder of the Deathbomb Arc record label, to tell us why in the world he wouldn’t like such a tremendously popular film like Alfonso Cuaron’s 2013 space epic, Gravity. Juxtaposed with Gravity is Brian’s alternate pick, Neil Marshall’s 2005 gripping horror, The Descent.
Both films explore what it’s like being trapped in intense situations, and both films offer different perspectives on what it means to be a “strong female.” Find out how we pit them against each other, along with topics such as how films sometimes function as art installations, and what that means for rewatchability and staying power.
Not only is Brian founder of Deathbomb Arc, he is founder of bands Foot Village, True Neutral Crew, and Back To The Future The Ride. You can check them all out (plus a lot more!) on the DBA bandcamp.