the year it felt good to be a gangsta; the year one pop diva went unplugged and another charted with her bodyguard; the year Britpop really started roaring and grunge got cozy. It was the year we were offered a $3 refund if we had bought a Milli Vanilli record; the year Selena Quintanilla brought Tejano pop to the mainstream; the year Sinead O’Connor in effect canceled herself. We were captivated by Kurt and Courtney’s controversial Vanity Fair article, and amused when The New York Times seriously published a “grunge speak” prank from a former Sub Pop staffer. 1992 saw the extinction of the CD “longbox” and the inception of the MP3, blazing the way to the Wild Wild West of filesharing in the digital age. It was a time when music seemed like it could go anywhere, and it did.
To celebrate 1992, we’ve compiled this playlist from a select few Grumpy contributors. Five tracks each from Justin Harlan, Jay Alary, Nick Spacek, Brian Miller, Tyler Peterson, Elbee, and Andrew. Check us out on Spotify and see how our 1992 picks stack up against your own!
For another trip down nostalgia lane, see our 1991 mix here!